Big Data Event
9 min read

2³ Reasons To Speak at Big Data Tech Warsaw 2020 (February 27th, 2020)

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Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit 2020 is fast approaching. This will be 6th edition of the conference that is jointly organised by Evention and GetInData. Please save the date — February 27th, 2020.

Here are 2³ good reasons why you should submit your proposal for presentation and become a speaker in one of the technical sessions. The deadline for the Call For Papers is September 30th, 2019 and the submission page is here.

1. Be part of a truly tech event

The main goal of the conference is knowledge sharing, so we avoid marketing presentations and outright sales pitches. As a speaker, you can contribute your expertise and know-how back to the community. Your presentation can help others to solve real-world problems, follow best practices and learn your lessons from the battlefield.

Anders Arpteg speaks about challenges with advanced analytics at Spotify at Big Data Tech Warsaw in 2016.
Anders Arpteg speaks about challenges with advanced analytics at Spotify at Big Data Tech Warsaw in 2016.

2. Talk to an audience that appreciates tech stories

Our audience consists of over 700 specialists who work as data scientists, data engineers, system administrators, tech leads and product owners. They are tech guys, so they don’t expect shows, body gestures and (many) jokes. The wish simply to learn something new and practical. Therefore, if you have a good tech story to tell, they will appreciate your presentation, even if you are slightly stressed, wear a T-shirt or don’t have much experience in giving public talks.

3. See 150+ people in your conference room

The last edition of our conference gathered over 650 attendees, but this time we aim for even a bigger crowd. Since we have five parallel tracks, over 150 people will attend your presentation (statistically speaking). Isn’t it great to share your knowledge with the large crowd of technical folks? 🙂


We also give a lot of opportunities to meet and talk to speakers and attendees. This includes the party before and after the conference, round-table discussions led by experts and, of course, the conference itself, which is full of great presentations, Q&A sessions, panels and a few coffee breaks.

4. Get feedback from the audience

After the conference, each speaker gets the summary of ratings of her/his presentation given by the audience. This feedback, obviously, helps to learn how attendees enjoyed your presentation.

What’s more, your presentation can also be named as “highest rated presentation” in one of four tracks. Your family and friends can be proud of you 🙂

Speakers from SkyScanner, Criteo, Allegro and GetInData gave highly rated presentations at Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit in 2017. Speakers from SkyScanner, Criteo, Allegro and GetInData gave highly rated presentations at Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit in 2017.

5. Get feedback from the CfP committee

Each submitted proposal is carefully reviewed by our CfP committee and receives a transparent feedback that includes the detailed score, and possibly some comments and answers to your questions. This is something that we found very valuable for everyone who submits proposals to our conference.

What is more, each submission is rated by several members of the CfP committee using four criteria and the ratings are averaged. This ensures that ratings are not biased and best submissions receives best scores.

The members of the CfP committee in 2020 come from Google, Criteo, Ververica, Orange, Allegro and GetInData. The members of the CfP committee in 2020 come from Google, Criteo, Ververica, Orange, Allegro and GetInData.

6. Spend a few days in Warsaw, a city that was once described as Paris of the East

Warsaw is a really nice town with a unique history and soul. There are many interesting places to visit including Warsaw Old Town, Royal Baths Park (Łazienki), POLIN and The Warsaw Rising Museum. By walking around, you can easily find many places with tasty food, speciality coffee, craft beers and … shots of vodka. Write to us ( for more travel trips.

Be aware that Warsaw in February might look like this.

Warsaw during the winter Warsaw during the winter

7. Speak at partner meetups nearby

Since we have friends who run Big Data meetups in other Polish (e.g. Kraków) or European countries (e.g. Amsterdam, Stockholm), we can help you to combine a single trip to Poland (or Europe) with other speaking opportunities nearby, before or after the conference.

8. Help your company to recruit Big Data experts

The audience of the conference is full of technical folks who are great experts to work with. Giving a presentation is fantastic opportunity to introduce your company, describe cool data-oriented stuff that you do at work, encourage audience to apply to your company, chat with people who are interested in doing so.

Google’s booth at Big Data Tech Warsaw in 2016. Google’s booth at Big Data Tech Warsaw in 2016.

BONUS. If your submission is not selected …

As each top conference we receive more good submission than available slots. If your proposal is good but it’s not selected because other proposals receives a big higher scores, we still do have interesting options for you. For example:

  • Lead a discussion in one of the roundtable sessions

One part of the conference agenda are roundtable sessions. We have +10 tables and each table corresponds to some Big Data topics (e.g. public cloud, fast SQL and interactive BI, large-scale machine learning, real-time stream processing, deep learning). Attendees can sit next to each table and discuss a given topic for ~45 minutes. For each table we need to have a leader who will be moderating discussion, sharing experience, adding comments, encouraging others to share their knowledge, discuss and brainstorm.

A roundtable session on real-time streaming led by Fabian Hueske (Ververica) A roundtable session on real-time streaming led by Fabian Hueske (Ververica)

  • Participate in the main conference panel

Panel discussion “How current mega-trends are changing the Big Data landscape and what it means to us” at Big Data Tech Warsaw in 2019. Panel discussion “How current mega-trends are changing the Big Data landscape and what it means to us” at Big Data Tech Warsaw in 2019.

What’s next?

Convinced to speak at Big Data Tech Warsaw 2020? We hope so! The submission page is here. We wait for you submissions until September 30th, 2019.

We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw in a few months!

public speaking
big data
4 September 2019

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